Contact INFO for Rourke

Elder Diamond
Av. Santos Dumont, 1789, sl. 1612, 16th andar
Ed. Potenza - Aldeota
60150-160 - Fortaleza - CE

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

april 29

So this week was super fun.  To start and clear things up.  YES I was transfered.  I only stayed 6 weeks in Tancredo Neves, kinda sad buttttt, I´m in the zone called Juazeiro.  This zone is the farthest zone away from the mission. 10 hours to be exact.  Me and another Elder were transfered down there.  The secretaries already have the passes bought and we took a bus down there on monday at 9 at night.  The bus ride kinda was lame because I couldn´t sleep to well.  My legs are so long that I had to fold them in an ackward position.  My companion is named Elder Oxborrow.  He´s been on the mission the same time as my last companion Elder Dean, which is 1 year and 9 months.  I´m only going to stay with him for a transfer though because you can´t finish your mission in Juazeiro.  So i´ll be getting a new comp here in another four weeks.  I´m pretty sure i´m gonna stay down here for a couple of months.  

We got in Juazeiro at 6:30 in the morning and Elder Ox and another Elder were their waiting for us.  We put our bags in the taxi and went to the house.  The house is pretty nice it just has A TON of mosquitos which is super annoying.  my body is already like covered in bites haha.  The water is so. so. cold.  I fight with my self every morning before covering myself with the water, and I often let out a loud shriek when my skin hits the water haha.  The weather here is quite nice in Juazeiro.  It´s a lot less humid and more dry, which is good for my face.

The people here in Juazeiro are AWESOME like the coolest people on the face of the earth.  Everyone is REALLY nice and really friendly.  The only kicker is that every one here is super catholic.  The guy who like founded Juazeiro is named Padre Cicero.  Apparently he like cured this girl of a blood disease and the people considered him a saint.  They tried to make him a saint but the catholic church rejected him HAHA.  But basically a picture of him is in every house and they have strong traditions of being a catholic.  I hear this phrase a lot "i´m going to die Catholic".  But we have some good people we are teaching.

The focus here in Juazeiro is a bit different to.  You don´t really teach women that much.  Juazeiro is still a district that is trying to become a stake.  So... What´s missing for it to be a stake?  Men and families.  SO basically we just teach families and men.  We don´t teach women really unless it´s a reference.  Why you might ask.... Well it´s got some history.  

I´m really lovin the mission, happy, weathers good, some quality investigators, can´t really ask for anything more ;)  Just gotta work really hard.  

Love you mom!
your son,
Elder Diamond

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