Contact INFO for Rourke

Elder Diamond
Av. Santos Dumont, 1789, sl. 1612, 16th andar
Ed. Potenza - Aldeota
60150-160 - Fortaleza - CE

Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Strange Week

This week was a bit strange, pffft what am I say all  weeks are strange i´m in a foreign country.  But seriously this week was strange.  A holiday started called Carnival...  Basically it´s like a 6 day ordeal when people just throw flour and eggs at eachother, wear silly masks, and have a nother excuse to get drunk!  Mix it all together and you got "set sail for fail!" .  Carnival is a missionaries nightmare.  People that you teach aren´t paying attention and not even the members went to church this week haha.  We managed to get 3 investigators to sacrament meeting.  All is well though it was still a really good week.  Learned more gospel truth, teaching better, and starting to get the hang of the language.  I still have difficulties but it´s not to the point where I want to run to a corner and slam my face against the wall :D  

Another fun thing was I was on a division with the zone leader this week.  And it was the day carnival start I think.  So we got flour and eggs and just started going crazy in the house.  4 missionaries doing that = lots of fun.  Except clean up wasn´t to great.  It´s great to have some real life fun every once in a while.  You kind of just in the habit of doing work work work work never have time to do anything or think about yourself.  so that was a nice 1 hour break.  

The thing i´ve learned this week is how prayers are answered.  On Heavenly Fathers time, and if you actually want to find an answer and are willing to act on that answer he will give it to you.  We need to be searching diligently for this answer,  it won´t be thrown in your face.  Faith is required.  Lastly a humble heart.  <---- if you don´´t have that good luck getting an answer haha.  But yeah just this gospel is so perfect I absolutely love this mission,  and my life.  

Be strong and have patience everything will be alright
Love you all!
He lives
Elder Diamond

Monday, February 13, 2012

Life is Awesome

Family, friends, abby (my dog)
I hope all is well :) My life is pretty darn awesome right now.  Just doing work.  This week was good, we had 3 baptisms.  Thais (9), Thaissa (13), and Kaline (11).   We got the service ready... It was really last minute because they were leaving next day to Carnival ( brazilian holiday).  And started it.  Let me tell you one thing.  Girls are DIFFICULT.  We give Thaissa the baptismal clothing (it was pretty big) and she wouldn´t put it on because it was to big!  So we had to baptise Kaline first then Thaissa put on the baptismal clothing that fit her better.  We couldn´t even get a picture with them because they wouldn´t let us take a picture >..>  oh well.  I´m really excited to see where they go.  All the kids we have been baptizing.  They are all amazing, I love them so very much!  We were talking to the bishop about why we weren´t finding any families that are "elect" and he pointed out a really good thing.  The ward isn´t ready to recieve a family.  If we were to baptize a family they would go inactive the next week because the support isn´t to strong in the ward.  So heavenly father has been giving us SO many kids.  This sunday we have our group of kids we baptize (it´s like a possie of 14 kids) all come to church and sit in the front row!  I love it!  They bring their friends and they all just wanna get baptized and hear the message of Jesus Christ!  :):):):):):):):):):):)  did you just say you want to be baptized and you want us to teach you??  When can we come hahaha.  But yeah this week was another great one 

Went to the police station earlier this week and got to see my District from the CTM and it was AWESOME to see how everyone is doing.  We all look so tan it´s pretty funny,  we caught up a little bit then had to say our goodbyes.  Time is flying by I love it just so much to learn and do while i´m here.  

Have a blessed week family, friends, and abby.

I love you all
He lives
Elder Diamond (Gee - uh - mon- ch ) 

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Caught a Mouse

Oi Tudo Bem??! 

I hope all is well with everyone back home.  You are all in my prayers every night and you should feel loved because I am nice enough to put you into my thoughts :)  Just kidding it´s a pleasure!  Anyway this week was sort of strange.  Great, but strange.  Just finished my first transfer and the other two missionaries that were living with me and Elder waldon went home.  So we got new missionaries and the first couple of days were sort of annoying because they weren´t really getting along.  But now they are so it´s alright :)  
So we have been looking for people and didn´t really have that much success.  Not to many of our appointments worked out.  A lot of people were gone.  Somehow it all worked out.  We found two really good investigators and are hoping to baptise three this week,,.,..  and that´s about it for this week it was pretty amazing.

This week my heart has been drawn to the sacred attonement of our savior Jesus Christ.  I searched the scribetures and there are but few things that talk directly about it.  The only thing we really know is that he felt every kind of affliction and pain that you felt.  He payed the price for the sins YOU commited.  And he bled from everypore so that you can have the opportunity to return to your father in heaven.  Looking at this we can see that this accomplished a lot. I wrote a couple of sentences but I decided to delete them.  I can´t really explain the attonement because it´s something that you have to find out more for yourself.  I will say however that this is litilarly the key to our salvation.  If Christ would have just come to the earth lived a perfect life but not have completed the attonement.  It would have been pointless for us.  We all would have been damned.  But because he humbled himself to the will of his father we recieve the gift of immortality.  But not Eternal life.  This is where we decide if we want to go after true lasting happiness, or become swallowed up in sin.  You can´t stand in the middle of the road or else you will be hit by both sides of traffic.  

I absolutely love my Heavenly Father, and my Savior for giving me this opportunity to learn and grow.  Because of the Savior Jesus Christ, we can have eternal life
Have a wonderful week  I love you all
Elder Diamond
Ps I caught a mouse this week
